The Tour is a current overview of all sections. Each page has "back"
and "next" links at the bottom and on the right. The Tour's
photos are updated regularly to reflect our progress. The older photos are
archived in their requisite sections. For a more detailed look at the project's
chronological development, click on the section links on the left border.
Hint: The first Tour pix depict sections
that are pretty much done. Those photos are replaced as we update or detail an
area. The most current content is found near the end of the links list
Pictured: An evening view of the Trubble Jelly Bean Mine, 2/19/01 and a
redone mountain almost exactly a year later, below 2/15/02. First Mountain, pink
foam. Second mountain, Braggdon Enterprises flexible foam mold.

The pictures are arranged chronologically with older stuff first.