In Trains & Stuff you get to see trains and details like weeds and other things like the pix below. This is what's on John's work desk right now. He's taking little pieces off of the cars and putting new little pieces back on. He does this with a giant magnifying glass. I have no clue what he's doing. John says: "I am using Plano detailing parts, which are made from stainless
steel and brass to replace the plastic walkways and ladders that came with with
ConCor Gunderson 5-car intermodal unit (the red cars). The Plano parts are
really made for the Athearn version but they work well on the ConCor model as
well. The goal is to make a 10 car intermodal consist that will be pulled by the
big green Burlington Northern diesel engine sitting in the yard area. Therefore,
when I finish this set I have an A-Line kit of 5 Thrall intermodal cars to work
on." I say, "Huh?" Anyway, scroll past the picture and you'll find the links. February, 2002.