The Town, 6/11/00     email John   email Irene    Contents   Dr. Irene's Site   Dr. John's Site

Tour the Trains: an overview with the most complete pictures of each section. We began this project in the summer of 1999. Track each section's  development with the links below.

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The Town, June 11, 2000

The lower half of our European village is in. Most of the kits are Kibri, which we found easier and more precise to put together than the Faller. Our favorite Kibris snap together! On the right, you can see the two main tracks on the outside. The third (inner track) leads from the staging area to one of the main tracks. The tracks continue to the left, though the tunnel and on to the Blue Grotto and future underground railroad station (to the right of the grotto).

The bottom right shows the beginning of a bog that will run under the tracks as well as around the  bend to the right.

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