VICUS.COM (15 Aug. 2000) — Patients with low back pain who have these so-called “red flags” may be at risk of serious disease and require further medical evaluation and treatment.
Red flags that warn of a serious cause for back pain:
Change in bowel or bladder function
History of cancer
History of disorder with a predilection for infection (drug abuse) or hemorrhage (hemophilia)
History of metabolic bone disorder (increased incidence of fracture)
Intravenous drug use
Older patient who has new onset of back pain (especially if older than 50 years of age)
Pain is worse at night or not relieved by any body position
Pain onset not precipitated by significant trauma
Prolonged use of corticosteroids
Saddle anesthesia
Unintended weight loss
Urinary tract infection
Writhing pain
Physical Exam
- Elevated sedimentation rate
- Neurologic deficit not explained by monoradiculopathy
- Numbness or paresthesia in the perianal region
- Progressive neurologic deficit
- Unexplained significant lower limb weakness
But patients who do not have any of these symptoms during the history and physical examination may be treated conservatively.

John Russo, Jr. PharmD , is senior vice president of medical communications at He is a pharmacist and medical writer with more than 20 years of experience in medical education.
This article was updated on 15 Aug. 2000.6+ |